
Terms of Use

§ 1 Scope and applicability

1. The following terms of use apply for using the customer platform of the Hochland Deutschland GmbH (subsequent: "platform"). To use the platform it is important for the user to accept the following provisions. Registration and usage are free of charge.

2. By using our platform you agree to the terms of use. Through your agreement you guarantee to use the platform without violating the terms of use.

3. Integral parts of the platform are:

a. Providing of product information (data, specifications, certificates,...)

b. Possibility to order samples

c. Request of promotions & managing requests

d. Further functions (product news etc.)

§2 Contact information

If you have questions concerning our platform you can reach out to us via:

Hochland Deutschland GmbH
Kemptener Str. 17
88178 Heimenkirch

§3 Availability

1. Our platform in general is available 24/7. Nevertheless it is possible for interruptions to occure, caused by necessary maintenance works, force majeure or other reasons which are not due to Hochland.

2. Hochland points out that:

a. it is technically impossible to provide the website without any error at all times and therefore Hochland can not be held liable.

b. errors can lead to temporary shutdown

c. availability of the websites is dependent on external conditions and services as for example transmission capacities or internet connection stability.

§4 Electronic communication

If you are using a service of Hochland or sending emails, text messages or other notices from your computer or mobile device to us, you are communicating electronically. We also will communicate with you in a number of ways on a electronic basis (email, text messages, push messages,...). For contractual purposes you agree to receiving electronic communication from us and that all consents, publications and other electronic communication sent from us do not require written form, unless mandatory by legal provision.

§5 Copyright and database rights

1. The entire content the platform is containing or providing like text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio, digital downloads and data collections is owned by Hochland or third parties delivering or providing through the website. It is protected by German copyright and database right.

2. The total portfolio of content included in the platform or provided through also belongs to Hochland and is protected by German copyright and database right.

3. You are not allowed to extract and/or reuse parts of a Hochland service systematically. In particular you are not allowed to use data mining, robots or similar data collection systems and applications for extracting any essential part of a Hochland service without explicit written consent of Hochland - no matter if one-time or repetitive. Furthermore you are not allowed to establish your own database including essential parts of a Hochland service without exploicit written consent of Hochland.

§6 Registration

1. A user account (=registration) is necessary to get access to the services mentioned in §1.

2. Registration is only possible for fully legally competent persons who have been provided - on request - with the registration form on hochland.io

3. Requests for registration will be verified by Hochland and - in case of approval - a link to the registration form will be sent.

4. There is no legal claim to approval for registration. Unlimited domiciliary right applies.

§7 Your account: rights & obligations

1. The user undertakes to not making any false statement on personal details. Furthermore the user undertakes to control his information periodically to ensure correctness.

2. You are responsible to ensure confidentiality of your account and password as well as limited access to your computer and mobile devices. As far as permissible you agree on being accountable for any activity that is undertaken through your account or password. You should take all necessary steps to ensure privacy of your password and shall inform us without delay if there is cause for concern that a third party has gained knowledge or your password could be used unauthorised. You are responsible to ensure your given information is correct and exhaustive and that you will inform us about any change.

3. Hochland can not be held responsible for damages (e.g. data theft) caused by third party access with user data due to lack of confidentiality etc.

4. Users can change their credentials subsequently at any time.

5. You are not allowed to use a Hochland service in a way that is appropriate to interrupt, damage or affect the services or access to the platform.

6. Furthermore you are not allowed to use Hochland services for fraudulent, illegal activities, harassment or inconveniences.

7. We reserve our right to withheld the services or shut down user accounts, especially in the case of users violating applicable law, contractual agreements or our policies.

8. Users can ask for deletion of their accounts by giving notice to us via the contact form provided on the platform. The user account will be deleted as soon as we have received and processed the request.

§8 Intellectual property rights

Hochland respects third party intellectual property rights. If you opine that your intellectual property rights are used in a way that causes concern of violation, please follow our process for notification of infringement.

§9 Links

1. We are not able to control content of linked websites that are not owned by Hochland.

2. Therefore we do not assume responsibility for those contents and any effects of their utilization. Following links occurs at own risk. There will be no seperate indication when leaving our website. Nevertheless we kindly ask you to inform us about illegal or questionable content on linked websites.

3. Other websites may have got a link to the platform. Establishing those links requires prior consent from Hochland.

§10 Data protection

1. We may record user data (e.g. date, time, visited pages) on our servers. We point out that for registered users we may connect user data with customer data to provide a better user experience.

2. If individual-related data is being collected we undertake to get prior user consent. We commit to not giving data to third parties unless the user agrees.

3. We point out that data transmission on the internet (e.g. via email) can have security holes. Therefore an error-free and unobstructed data protection can not be completely ensured. Concerning this out liability is excluded.

4. Users have a right of information. You are entitled to get information from us about your complete data at all times - free of charge.

5. Furthermore you have the right of correction/deletion of data and the right to restrict data processing.

6. You can find further information in our privacy policy

§11 Modification and amendments

We reserve the right to make changes to Hochland services, policies, terms - including these terms of use - at any time. You are liable to the terms of use in force when using Hochland services.

§12 No waiver

If you violate these terms of use and we do not take action immediately, we are still entitled to make use of our rights at any other occasion in which you violate the terms of use.

§13 Severability clause

If certain formulations of these terms of use do no longer comply with the current legal situation, it shall be assumed that all other regulations remain in force.

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