
Welcome to Hochland Promotion Portal

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In our promotion portal you can easily request, manage and view new promotions and initiate sample orders. We are always at your disposal for questions and concerns. We thank you for your trust in our company.

Your advantages - our services

  • Promotions

    Plan future promotions easily and have a good overview of previous promotions.

  • Overview of product details

    All relevant product and packaging information at a glance.

  • Request samples

    Order samples easily and have a good overview of previously placed sample orders.

  • Product overview

    All products at a glance

adjustments annotation archive arrow-circle-down arrow-circle-left arrow-circle-right arrow-circle-up arrow-down arrow-left arrow-narrow-down arrow-narrow-left arrow-narrow-right arrow-narrow-up arrow-right arrow-up at-symbol badge-check ban bell book-open bookmark-alt bookmark briefcase calendar camera cash chart-bar chart-pie chart-square-bar chat-alt-2 chat-alt chat check-circle check cheveron-down cheveron-left cheveron-right cheveron-up clipboard-check clipboard-copy clipboard-list clipboard clock cloud-download cloud-upload code cog collection color-swatch credit-card currency-dollar currency-euro currency-pound currency-rupee currency-yen cursor-click desktop-computer document-add document-download document-duplicate document-remove document-report document dots-circle-horizontal dots-horizontal dots-vertical download duplicate emoji-happy emoji-sad exclamation-circle exclamation external-link eye-off eye filter flag folder globe-alt globe hashtag heart home inbox-in inbox information-circle key library light-bulb lightning-bolt link location-marker lock-closed lock-open logout mail-open mail menu-alt-1 menu-alt-2 menu-alt-3 menu-alt-4 menu microphone minus-circle moon newspaper office-building paper-clip pause pencil-alt pencil phone-incoming phone-outgoing phone photograph play plus-circle plus printer qrcode question-mark-circle receipt-refund refresh reply scale search selector share shield-check shield-exclamation shopping-cart sort-ascending sort-descending sparkles speakerphone star stop sun support switch-horizontal switch-vertical tag template terminal ticket translate trash trending-down trending-up upload user-add user-circle user-group user-remove user users view-boards view-grid-add view-list volume-off volume-up x-circle x zoom-in zoom-out